Give my books a read and a review!

What the unappreciated penis is happening, all you meat-packers who are slinging a decent-sized hog, only to have the other star-quarterback wieners and mean-girl scrotums laugh at it, call it a nerd and a dork causing your persecuted dick to sob and swear vengeance until one day it snaps and goes full Bonerzilla, destroying legions of measuring tapes with its coke-can-sized wrath and widening out vajeens and b-holes holy fucking shit fire hydrants look on with awestruck gazes and parted fucking lips—

And THAT, my friends, is why you never make fun of the shy-looking womb-hammer that’s brooding in the corner!  You never know when he’ll go from geeky Peter Parker to deathrage-fueled Spider-Man!  Goddamn!

Anyways, now that I’ve got your attention, let me direct it towards my various-genred books!  First up is my YA fantasy series, the Unbound Realm.  Volume 1 is A Door into Evermoor.  I’ve just published volume 2:  Weapons of Old  If you’re hankering for some psychedelic high school fun with a giant side of interdimensional monsters and teen genius hijinks, check out Kor’Thank:  Barbarian Valley Girl!  If you want a big ol’ helping of robot vs. wizard pew pew, along with an extra serving of existential philosophy, check out my science fiction series Echo!  And don’t forget to leave a positive review for them!  Positive reviews—even though they only take a minute or two of your time—are like $1000 tips for us indie authors.  Every one of them is SUPER appreciated!  #Kindle #KindleUnlimited #writingcommunity #writer #booktok #writerscommunity #writing

🙂 🙂 😀

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