Echo Vol.2 gets a 4-star on Goodreads!!!

Thank You Neil Hayes!!!  May the Justice League protect you from the t-virus and all things Creepy Crawly!  Neil just dropped a 4 star for Echo 2 on Goodreads!!!  If you’ve read any of the Echo books, please consider throwing up a positive review on Amazon for ’em—they take maybe a minute to do and they do wonders to help your favorite author (and perennial Man Child) Kent Wayne out by boosting his visibility on his Amazon overlord’s search engine (also you don’t need to have bought the books on Amazon—you only need an Amazon account, so if you read em from a friend or through Kindle Unlimited or whatever, you can still do a review).  Once again—Thank You Neil!  🙂 🙂 🙂

Get Echo Vol. 1 on Kindle here:  Vol. 1 on Kindle.  Vol. 2 on Kindle here:  Vol.2 on Kindle  Vol. 3 on Kindle here:  Vol. 3 on Kindle

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