
After decades of focus on learning and striving, I began to question what I was learning and striving for, when the question of what is objectively valid is up in the air, given the unknown breadth of existence, my short time in a body, and the limitations of my physical senses.

It may be semantics, but I’d rather focus on experiencing, rather than learning and striving. Even though I may learn and strive, I’ve decided I’m here for the experience of it–to be as present as I can during my temporary stay.

That’s not to say you should do the same. The beauty of our ambiguous, seemingly purposeless reality is that we get to explore our boundaries and craft our own purpose.

23 thoughts on “Musings

  1. True. Walk through a cemetery… the names, dates, and sentiments are almost illegible after the passing of a mere century… who remembers them?

    So might as well make hay while we’re on this side of the ground, and squeeze in all the experiences we can… hmmm… where’s that brochure about skydiving… 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We could be on the same page as far as “striving” goes but we differ a bit on learning. At least, in that, I see learning as experiences – or they can be…I’d love to learn to fly a plane, that would be both, right? I learned about “close-up” and “slight of hand” types of magic and while, for me, the mystery is gone when I watch a magician, it was both an opportunity to learn and and experience in the learning how then performing the tricks myself. Just some thoughts.

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    • I think we’re on the same page. I like the experience of learning, but in the past it has been more weighted toward gaining a comparative advantage, rather than enjoying the process.


  3. I relate to this so much. I’ve spent so much of my time looking for a higher purpose, something that would explain why I’m here, why I like the things I like, what I need to accomplish. Turns out, there isn’t an answer. Which is the best case scenario, because it means you can be whatever you want to be. You can choose to like things you didn’t like before. Reminds me of when Douglas Adams said ‘Isn’t it enough to see a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?’

    Liked by 1 person

  4. are we learning ‘cause we’re told,
    or learning ‘cause we chose to?
    are we striving for a goal
    or striving ‘cause our foes do?
    and what if we just stop?
    let the masquerade just drop?
    and what if we just be?
    how much more will we all see?
    it’s said the world is small,
    yet who’s experienced it all?
    I wonder why I stall
    when I’ve experienced the call
    of what I’m meant to do
    and who I’m meant to be
    how long ‘til my life’s through?
    when will my dreams break free?
    can a musing from you
    be enough to inspire
    another to pursue
    their heart’s true desire?
    I’m hoping so
    thanks for posting

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes. Experience is the BEST teacher. We took our 3 kids out of high school to travel with a van and trailer around the U.S. for 14 months. We went to the 48 contiguous states, parts of Canada and Mexico. They learned more on the road than in a classroom – indelible lessons about our country from sea to shining sea, the variety of cultures and landscapes. They returned to school with a greater appreciation of their country and a love of travel. Life is short – enjoy the ride.

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