About the Author: Kent Wayne

Hello everybody, my name is Kent Wayne.  I’ve started getting requests for personal info so I thought I’d put up this author page.  I know it’s commonly practiced social media etiquette to post lots of pictures and stuff about personal life, but I tend to veer the other way—I like my privacy.  Sorry if that offends you; I’m not trying to be rude.

I spent ten years in the military.  I was never a sex-nuts strong, roided-out Bin-laden-wasting-stud, nor was I a fat, whiny, high-and-tight (it’s the stereotypical military haircut) wearing pencil-pusher that lived to yell at people about uniform and haircut regulations because he was bullied in high school and couldn’t get a date.  Within those two extremes, I fall somewhere in between.  I’m not going to specify what units or branches I was in.  That was a different person, and it doesn’t matter now—I’m out and done with that stuff.  While it definitely informs my writing, the chapter has closed on that part of my life.

I prefer not to be thanked for my service.  There’s plenty of great articles out there that can express why better than I ever could.

My view on the military, just to give you some insight on my perspective:  the military is a reflection of society.  Of humanity.  Within it, you can find behavior that is villainous, heroic, idiotic, and genius.  The full spectrum.  And just like life, one person can exhibit some of each.  Nobody is a badass 100% of the time.  Nobody is a piece of shit 100% of the time.  I find most portrayals of the military reductive in that it doesn’t recognize this basic fact:  the military is made up of humans, and they are subject to human nature.  When it becomes clear that “shitbags” can be amazing and “heroes” can be child molesters, then the folly of using a label to reduce somebody to hero, baby-killer, badass, or brainwashed is revealed to be shortsighted and childish.

This is everywhere, not just the military.  I’m resigned to the idea that humans love to reduce the complexity of life into an easy-to-get-riled about, simplistic viewpoint.  But I have seen it get better as I’ve gotten older, so I still have hope.  I think the internet—and the increased ease of sharing information—has a lot to do with that.

The great lesson I learned from the military:  Ideals are nice and soul-stirring, but people tend to get blinded by them.  It is the ability to perceive the minutely relevant changes from instance to instance, from circumstance to circumstance, that will carry you.  It is not comfortably reductive idealism, but all-inclusory awareness that will let you navigate not just life, but all of existence.

(Hops off the soapbox)  I know that’s a poor bio, but I hope that my obnoxiously grandiose statement reveals more about me than if I were to list a boring series of life events.  And I hope it wasn’t too pretentiously poetic.  As a character from one of my favorite authors says (about a bunch of mentally masturbatory goth vampire wannabes):  “Too much time on their hands.  Leads to poetry.”

(Just kidding.  I love poetry.  Some of it.  Maybe.)

Thanks for checking out my work!  To all you writers, I wish you inspired drafting and insightful editing!

Kent Wayne

Follow me on Facebook:  Kent Wayne

Follow me on Twitter:  Kent Wayne 108


1,377 thoughts on “About the Author: Kent Wayne

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your About is very interesting–I really appreciated what you said about “labels”. We’re all (okay, most of us) multi-faceted–some days saints, some days not (which is why, on the days I’m not, I’m more reclusive than usual). I also like the line about why some of us write poetry–at 68 I don’t have excessive time on my hands, however writing poetry is like cooking for me–gotta do it 😉 Blessings to you!

    Liked by 7 people

  2. I love you! I’m not supposed to say that when I first meet someone but….I know your words, almost like my own. They said there was no black and white, only dark and light green… That was the first lie. I washed out, or did I? I signed slips of paper, so they would type “Honorable” on the DD214. Silence. I must remain silent now. A girl’s got a family to protect. What do they know of honor.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kent, I really liked your bio. I really really like that you didn’t puit pictures up because you are a private type of guy. For what its worth I don’t think in our me-me-me society there is enough spepration for creatives between what we do and who we are. I prefere to be judged on my work. So adefinite thumbs up to you for your bio from me

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Your about really speaks to me, as I am unable to digest how media portrays the military, always in black and white. I see the world in greys, though some lighter others darker. And thanks for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Sounds suspiciously like an Artilleryman bringing class and style to an otherwise unseemingly brawl. FA mostly Fire Support – thank Khufu I got to be a 13 Series each time I was overseas and I didn’t get forced to be a phony MP. So you stayed in ten years decided you weren’t actually insane and got out?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Your about is a good read. Also a ‘veteran,’ here. I hear ya. I feel like I’m across an empty break room leaning on the counter when you come through the door and we do that silent upward head nod greeting. ‘Sup?

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hello, sir. Saw you liking my reviews twice already and I’m very thankful for it as a new regular “wordpresser”. I don’t have much of an audience, and your bio is so inspiring to make me continue writing/blogging no matter if I have readers or not. In the first place, we write as a way to arrange our own chaos, is it not? While I do wish to read your works right away, I don’t have much time at hands. But surely I’ll add it to my read list as it delves about the world-building genre. Thank you very much once again ☺️

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Really insightful bio. Thanks for your honesty. Its refreshing, really. A lot of your ideals remind of this short story we were analyzing in one of my classes last week: “Editha”. Not sure if you read it or not, but I’d think you’d appreciate the truth in it. Also, thanks for supporting my blog :).

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I can’t believe all this time I thought I’ve been following you and it turns out I actually haven’t (I just thought you weren’t posting or something), how stupid of me. Thanks for liking my little pieces of writing over on my writing blog!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for the like, and visiting! I’ve been meaning to blow the dust of my WP, and well now is a better time than never! To be honest getting just one like from out of the blue, may have been just the encouragement I needed. Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It’s still very new to me. I’m not used to many acknowledging what I post online, but I figure here is better than FaceBook (or MySpace…which I had years ago) as you don’t need a membership to view what’s there.

    I enjoyed your About Page. I consider it a huge step for me to post my image online at all, but I refuse to talk about what I’m doing every second of the day.

    I also despise labels because not everyone can fit into the same box. The box would become overloaded and burst. That would force us all to be outside the box (and no one wants that, right?), and what a nightmare that would be.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Hi Kent Enjoyed ‘About.’ Mostly the unassuming and honest way that you spoke of yourself whilst writing in expressive and understandable English. At a guess I would say that you must be a master of understatement – in which case you are possibly British. Thank you for being open and honest in you Author Post, wonderfully refreshing. In our country we were conscripted without choice and I failed the medical on account of a rheumatic heart condition. Some years later my two sons were conscripted. Whilst my eldest took a shot, in the end they both came home alive. I shall be eternally grateful for that. Thank you too for your likes and visits to my site I do really appreciate that Kent. Blessings, Peter

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hello, thank you for visiting my site! I appreciated the line in your about section saying you don’t like to be thanked for your military service. I am always uncomfortable in that situation (being the thanker). First, like you, I am an introvert, so speaking to strangers other than a quick hello makes me super uncomfortable. And, even though it always comes out awkwardly, I am very thankful for people who put their lives on hold and in danger for the freedom and protection of little ol’ me, really! But it always comes out like a heartless phrase I am supposed to say but not sure why I’m saying it. I’d rather not say it but instead give them a sincere smile and a friendly nod of appreciation. Thank you for allowing me to now do just that without the guilt I get when I hear others brag about what they do for and say to veterans. Have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow! It means a lot for a newbie like me to get an early Like from someone like you.
    This vibrates to me best: I’m resigned to the idea that humans love to reduce the complexity of life into an easy-to-get-riled about, simplistic viewpoint.

    All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you for the blog visit!

    I think the substance of a person (their thoughts, soul, and heart) is more interesting than the exterior events of his/her life. After all, life events happen to us, and mark us, but who we are is found deeper inside.

    Pardon me, the overthinking appears to be contagious. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thank you for liking my post! I’m just starting my blog and getting likes or just one hehe is a huge compliment when I just want to write to record my random thoughts. I decided to blog because my favorite blogger is no longer blogging and it’s fun doing so. Your blog is an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Kent, thanks so much for your support as my project gets off the ground. I believe you left one of your customary likes on another blog I run and if you did I thank you for that as well — really means a lot, trying to make the jump to original fiction for notoriety and profit as I am.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I like your personal philosophy that bridges the polarized divides as much as I like your writing style. For our family’s Christmas Eve movie two days ago, we watched the old White Christmas with its straight-forward depiction of the military. But, that depiction also had a sub-text I read into your post, that a person is not all good or all bad, and informed, critical thinking is more helpful than blind devotion. A good message for this Christmas season, and I send best wishes for 2022.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you and best wishes to you as well! Yes, I have heard that many in the greatest generation were lamenting how they were getting romanticized in the nineties. Maybe it’s just human nature because people want infallible heroes.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Great Intro, I am currently working on some stories of my own. I am crazy about old pulp classic sword and sorcery and cosmic horror (Conan, Kull , Mountains of Madness, ect.). I liked your take on the armed services. I too am ex-military (British) and while it was a positive experience for me personally,I hate all the patriotic jingoism that comes along with it. Like you those days are long behind me. I now work in E-commerce and aspire to write some great stories. I will check out your work. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hear you. The military’s a great opportunity to learn/experience a wide spectrum of human nature, and also a good way to figure out what you really want. It’s too bad that it requires selective attention, where critical thinking only really gets consistently applied at the tactical level. I used to think the American military was the best at everything when I was younger, but once I grew up, I realized the Brits–while maybe not as dominant in capabilities/combined arms–far and away have better service members in terms of quality, training, and character. Globally, you guys probably have the best individual soldier/sailor/Marine on average, in my opinion. My hat’s off to you.

      Liked by 1 person

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