
I used to be addicted to the rush of [epiphanies/triumph/flow state/etc.] but they always faded away, and were always replaced by two timeless needs:  the need for discipline, and the need for strategy. 

Now, as I continue to embrace those two “unsexy” qualities, I realize that the feel-good rush I used to crave was only half of the coin, and beneath all the suffering and triumph, all the pleasure and pain, I can tap into something harmonious, if I only humble myself to accept it through all conduits. 

I’m not sure if it’s even a real thing.  But if it is I’d rather leave it nameless and faceless; that seems the best way to respect and channel it.

10 thoughts on “Musings

  1. I don’t think that “the need for discipline, and the need for strategy”, Kent, are as you say “unsexy”, this “is your subjective opinion”, if you’ll pardon my quoting you, it’s also evident that these attributes are your passion, which can be an unerring guide in your quest for “something harmonious” – incidentally, the “real thing” that you’re “leav[ing] … nameless and faceless” is you – cheers, richibi

    Liked by 1 person

    • Accurately put—they are indeed subjective! I say they are “unsexy” because of my former views, and some of the current views of people I personally interact with. While I have no way of quantifying it, I suspect that they are also “unsexy” to a vast number in the populace, if not in word, then in action, for it seems to me that many do not enjoy employing those qualities.


      • “that they are … “unsexy” to a vast number in the populace” is irrelevant to your quest, Kent, even if you could get such a determination, ergo, there’s no need to even speculate, just believe in yourself, leave out all and any harmful negative assumptions – cheers, richibi

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      • are you seeking to respond to your own lights, Kent, or to those you’re merely supposing your “majority” holds, we’re all essentially blind, your only guide should be your own soul – all the very best, richibi

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      • I am of a different opinion. While I think it’s easy to be led astray by the masses, I do believe that just like feelings, they can provide a rough indication of when to stop and reassess, or to clarify one’s own intent and strategy. I don’t think the answer or the only guide lies in any one thing, but by respecting information from all angles, formulating my best guess or deduction, and running an experiment.

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      • there is no absolute moral order, all of them are up for grabs, choose yours, hopefully thoughtfully, then fulfil it, however blindly, for better or for worse, there is no other option, that’s not only Socrates, but also Nietzsche, however circuitously, not an unwise dude – cheers, richibi

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      • While there is no absolute moral order, we are limited beings, and must consider how to harmonize our limitations with the outer world across the span of time. Apparently, there are indications amongst hierarchical animals (wolves, chimps) that evolution favors a leader who is not too tyrannical, as the others will wait their turn and kill the alpha at the first opportunity. With humans, I’d say it’s more advantageous to use our intellect, logic, and debate to come to consensual moral conclusions BEFORE this kind of thing happens, as there are plenty of examples where humans have committed atrocities and escaped justice (Mengele, members of Unit 731). Eventually, it may be the case that humans are encouraged by evolution to be moral, but I feel it’s better to use our intellect and introspection to try and arrive at consensual moralities before we are forced by nature.


      • my point is, Kent, that our personal moral order is personally defined, we’re stuck with our personal philosophy no matter how we want it exhibited, whether emotionally or with “intellect and introspection” as you so vehemently prescribe, or in any of other combination of whichever parameters, for that matter, none more valid than the other, eventually, what’s left is, therefore, style, which is to say Nietzsche’s unaffiliated “Übermensch”, go for it, I say, I am, life is too short to remain unnoticed, Salvador Dali, inspirationally, said that – cheers, richibi

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      • I don’t agree with the assertion that we’re stuck with our personal philosophy no matter how we want it exhibited. I think immense pain, psychedelics, an astute psychologist/knower of the mind, or even Tony Robbins is capable of giving someone the tools to shift their personal philosophy. I think it boils down to this: we consistently are faced with the conundrum of what fulfills us in the long run, often at the expense of what gratifies us in the short-term. Sometimes short-term pleasures are conducive to long-run fulfillment, but to me, finding out what is personally acceptable as a balance of those two sometimes opposing forces, is, I think, the art of life.


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