Echo: The Weekly Update

Word Count, Vol.4:  Over 200k.  I’ve decided to stop counting until I’m finished.

Thanks to All Who Bought Echo!  And BIG THANKS to Melissa, Barbara, Ian, Lorna, [anonymous], Lisa, Meg, Matt, Bobby, F.T., Alice Smith, Leslie Coop, Richard, Shauna, Sydney, Pam, Jessica, Angela, Kiesa, Ross, Keith, Alice, Daina, Daniel, Yolanda, Trace, Books4me, Vince, Laurie, DAE, and Jace for posting AMAZING reviews on Amazon!!!  Ashley too for the 5 star on Nook!  I’d like to reiterate that leaving a positive review for any author is the equivalent of leaving $100 tip at a restaurant (I know some authors who’d actually pay that much for a good review).  Although I sincerely appreciate any love you leave me on Amazon, please consider leaving a review for ANY author you know, simply as a random act of kindness…because it’ll mean the world to ’em!  (A good place to start are those I’ve listed—a few of them are authors.  Let me know if you want me to put you in touch with ’em and I’ll be more than happy to do so!  And no, you don’t need to have purchased their book to leave a review on Amazon; you simply needed to have used Amazon at one time or another to leave what’s called an “unverified purchase” review.  If you purchased their book at the store or on another eReader, you can still leave a review for them.)

News:  I’ve just finished a chapter that’s over a little 10k in word count.  The final confrontation is told from two perspectives, and basically I just wrapped up the observer’s perspective with that chapter (I could go into more detail, but I don’t want to give spoilers).  I’m also combing through Echo 3, smoothing a bit of stuff here and there (not much to smooth, honestly), but really just making sure that the telepathic communications are put in brackets and not italics (except for when two minds are sharing one body, or when one person thinks that the other communicator is nothing more than an inner voice.  No spoilers, but those who have read it will know what I’m talking about.)  Anyways, my revised versions of Echo 1 and 2 are still with the editor, and when I get them back, I’ll make the final touchups (just looking for typos; not looking to change tone or any of that) then start plugging away at the paperback publishing process through Ingraham books.

That’s it for this week!  If you’re a writer, then I wish you inspired drafting and insightful editing!

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