
I started out writing for others, but then I realized somewhere along the line that I was writing for myself as well, but not in what seems to be the typical sense—in the interest of catharsis or self-expression (although those have been nice side benefits).  In my mind, the most important benefit I derive from writing is much the same as if I was engaging myself in mental jiu-jitsu, endlessly challenging myself to make my transitions smoother, my statements quicker, more decisive, my defenses and positioning stronger and tighter.  It’s not an external opponent I seek to submit, but my own ignorance and lack of clarity.  If I get rich through this venture, then that too, will be a nice side benefit, but I believe that the real treasure behind writing is forcing myself to think clearly enough to inscribe worlds onto the wellsof potentiality that we call a “blank page,” so that readers can partake of and enjoy my vision.  Perhaps they don’t get to see the frustrating hours of editing that I go through, and perhaps—much like a jiu-jitsu match—they only fixate on the high points in the story, but it doesn’t matter; the process of writing forces me to become sharper, to iterate faster, and to know myself better.  

So yeah, I guess you could say that I write for myself.  😊

24 thoughts on “Musings

  1. Love this. When you write for yourself, your love of words and thoughts spills out to us, the reader. You are gonna go places, Mr. Wayne. And then, maybe, in a decade or two, we’ll get to find out who you REALLY are! :o)

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Thank you! Thing is, I used to be focused on making money with my writing, but after looking at successful celebs I realized that wouldn’t bring me happiness. I’ve decided not to hang up my hopes and satisfactions on the commercial success of my writing and revel in the fact that my stuff entertains anyone at all! Sounds corny, but I tell my friends I feel like a real American—I’ve spent most of my life in government perpetuating the Big Grind but now I’m actually making stuff and contributing to culture! 🙂

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    • Yep, no problem Nomadic Teen! Yeah I think that’s the true value of any endeavor—you can’t really control the outcome (it’s prudent to strategize but not obsess) but you can use the activity to reflect your strengths and weaknesses back on yourself and see what you want to do with that information (my opinion anyway)

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    • I agree! I think it’s prudent to strategize but unhealthy to obsess. Like it’s great to go 100% when I’m writing but when it’s time to sleep it’s time to sleep. When it’s time to eat or relax, same thing. That’s my view of it anyway.

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  2. I too write for myself – but early on I began to realise that if anyone else was to appreciate my thoughts, stories and visions, I was going to have to tailor it to include them.

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